Trade fair days – We were at the start!
Due to Corona, no trade fairs have been able to take place in recent months. We were therefore very pleased to be able to resume! The trade fairs were successfully held with a hygiene concept and 3G measures. On 24.09. – 25.09.2021 we were at the job fair in the Rheine ice rink. On 24/09/2021,…
Read MoreSchool from Hörstel meets BNP
We welcomed a total of 7 pupils and 3 teachers from Harkenberg Gesamtschule Hörstel. We look forward to the visit every year. After a company presentation about BNP Brinkmann, we toured our company together to give everyone a better insight into nonwovens production. Since 2018, BNP has been cooperating with the Hörstel comprehensive school in…
Read MoreCareer start at BNP – Start of training
Welcome to the team! Once again this year, numerous trainees are starting their BNP Brinkmann careers. We warmly welcome seven new trainees to our company: Samantha Franke as a machine and plant operator Devin Muthulingam as a machine and plant operator Marvin Heckel as a machine and plant operator Ramona Gövert as a production mechanic…
Read MoreStrong together – despite corona!
The coronavirus pandemic has also left its mark on us. Nevertheless, with the help of our hygiene concept, we have so far managed to avoid a corona outbreak in our company. Our measures to protect against coronavirus include regular self-tests, compulsory masks, social distancing and hygiene rules and much more. Of course, we also owe…
Read MoreMany new faces – start of apprenticeship
On 1 August 2020, a total of six new apprentices started their training with us. In addition to the four new industrial trainees, we also welcome two new commercial trainees to our team: Kevin Wenning as a production mechanic Nico Berger as an IT specialist in process and data analysis Anna Urban as an industrial…
Read MoreLate Christmas present
1000 € from BNP to the Freundeskreis Ghana. Christmas has already been over for a few days – the last presents have now been distributed… ‘I think it’s good how the members of the Freundeskreis Ghana are personally involved,’ says Thomas Güthe, Managing Director of BNP Brinkmann from Bevergern, explaining the decision to support this…
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